Want to be inspired?
Suppose you want MORE art to spark your creative side, like free art tips, PDFs, and studio news. You are in the right spot.
I want to help you get your creative spark with stuff like my "5 steps to start your art journal,” my free Facebook group ‘Jump into Art Journaling’ or the bi-monthly blog here on the website.
You can dive right in; there is no better time than today to start with some creative inspiration. Get out those art supplies that have been calling at you, and let's get our hands dirty!
“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use it,
the more you have.”
— Maya Angelou

Do any of these sound familiar?
✔ You're constantly saying, "I want to do something creative, like an art journal, but I don't know where to start."
✔ You're constantly drooling over art supplies (I do this too)
✔ You feel entirely uninspired.
✔ You're frequently thinking about painting, doodling, and creating!!
✔ You tell yourself that you have zero creative bone in your body.
Imagine what it would feel like if you knew exactly what to do to get started with your creative journey.
What if I told you
that you could...
✔ learn to be creative and inspired with your art
✔ get loose and free with your mark-making
✔ learn to relax and have fun with art
✔ find your creative voice
In the free Facebook group you will:
1. Learn art tips/techniques
2. Belong to an Art Community
3. Encouragement & Inspiration
When you practice your art, you learn
*to hear your inner voice.
*you learn what you love and what you don’t like.
* you make yourself and your time a priority.
And this bleeds into every part of your life.”
Jump Into Art Journaling
A free group in Facebook that will inspire you to get creating!